welcome to my web page. right now there is a stunning lack of stuff but i'm sure i'll eventually take an html tutorial that isn't the basic neocities course. anyways, welcome.
this site was made mostly due to me liking other people's websites, specifically those involved with the "yesterweb" movement. as such, this website doesn't have a "manifesto" as i'm not entirely sure what i want this website to be yet, and you can't exactly make an original manifesto if you dont't have an original idea.
i suppose my current goal for this website is for it to have at least 2 shrines. what will these shrines be? god knows. all i know is that it's a goal i want to work towards, as that would mean that my website would have to already look nice, and right now it looks too much like the starter page.
anyways, who am i?
here's what i eventually want this site to have:
aaaaaaaaaand here's some other places to find me:
thanks for checking out my page. check your bathroom now